Tis not a (just) condition to demand of a wolf (that he should perform) the task of a watchman (shepherd): to demand (anything) from the wrong place is a negation of the demand.
حارسی از گرگ جستن شرط نیست ** جستن از غیر محل ناجستنیست
Without any doubt I am an enemy to you: how should I show you the way? I am a highwayman.1975
من ترا بیهیچ شکی دشمنم ** من ترا کی ره نمایم ره زنم
Whoever is sitting with friends is amidst a flower-garden (though he be) in a bath-furnace.
هر که باشد همنشین دوستان ** هست در گلخن میان بوستان
Whoever in the world sits with an enemy, he is in a bath-furnace (though he be) in a flower-garden.
هر که با دشمن نشیند در زمن ** هست او در بوستان در گولخن
Vex not your friend by egoism, lest your friend become your adversary and enemy.
دوست را مازار از ما و منت ** تا نگردد دوست خصم و دشمنت
Do good unto the people for your God's sake or for the peace of your own soul,
خیر کن با خلق بهر ایزدت ** یا برای راحت جان خودت
That you may always see (them) friendly in your sight, and that ugly ideas arising from hatred may not come into your heart.1980
تا هماره دوست بینی در نظر ** در دلت ناید ز کین ناخوش صور
Since you have behaved with enmity (towards me), abstain (from consulting me): consult a friend who arouses (your) affection.”