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  • That irreverent (objector) made no pause in the words (which he poured forth) in this fashion from those cold (insipid) lips (of his) in the presence of the Prophet.
  • Words were assisting (did not fail) him, (but) he was ignorant that hearsay (traditional knowledge) is mere babble in the presence of sight (immediate vision). 2065
  • Indeed, these matters of hearsay are (only) a substitute for sight: they are not for him who is present, (but) for him who is absent.
  • Whoever has been caused to attain unto sight, before him these matters of hearsay are idle.
  • When you have sat down beside your beloved, after this banish the dallálas (the old women who act as go-betweens).
  • When any one has passed beyond childhood and has become a man, the letter and the dallála become irksome to him.
  • He reads letters, (but only) for the purpose of teaching (others); he utters words, (but only) for the purpose of making (others) understand. 2070
  • ’Tis wrong to speak by hearsay in the presence of those who see (who are endowed with vision), for it is a proof of our heedlessness and deficiency.
  • In the presence of the seer silence is to your advantage: on this account came (from God) the allocution, Be ye silent.
  • If he (the seer) bid you speak, speak gladly, but say little and do not draw out (your words) to length;