For consultation, some goodly and (spiritually) living person is required, that he may make thee living; and where is that living one (to be found)?
مشورت را زندهای باید نکو ** که ترا زنده کند وان زنده کو
O traveller, take counsel with a traveller, for a woman's counsel will keep thy foot lame.2210
ای مسافر با مسافر رای زن ** زانک پایت لنگ دارد رای زن
Pass on from the (literal) expression, “love of country”; do not stop (at its outward sense), for thy (real) country is Yonder, O soul: ’tis not on this side.
از دم حب الوطن بگذر مهایست ** که وطن آن سوست جان این سوی نیست
If thou desire thy country, cross to the other bank of the stream: do not misread this true Hadíth.
گر وطن خواهی گذر آن سوی شط ** این حدیث راست را کم خوان غلط
The inner meaning of the recitation of the ablutionary prayers by one who performs the ritual ablution.
سر خواندن وضو کننده اوراد وضو را
In the ritual ablution, a separate form of prayer for each member of the body has been handed down in Tradition.
در وضو هر عضو را وردی جدا ** آمدست اندر خبر بهر دعا
When you snuff up water into your nose, beg of the self-sufficient Lord the scent of Paradise,