Heretofore thou hadst seen visions (warning thee) that God would choose me out (to go to thee),2425
واقعاتی دیده بودی پیش ازین ** که خدا خواهد مرا کردن گزین
(And that) I, having taken the rod and the Light in my hand, would break thy insolent horn.
من عصا و نور بگرفته به دست ** شاخ گستاخ ترا خواهم شکست
On this account the Lord of the Judgement was showing unto thee terrible visions of diverse sorts,
واقعات سهمگین از بهر این ** گونه گونه مینمودت رب دین
Suitable to thy evil conscience and thy inordinate disobedience, that thou might’st know that He knows what is proper for thee;
در خور سر بد و طغیان تو ** تا بدانی کوست درخوردان تو
That thou might’st know that He is wise and omniscient and the healer of irremediable maladies.
تا بدانی کو حکیمست و خبیر ** مصلح امراض درمانناپذیر
Through false interpretations thou wert made blind and deaf to those (visions), saying, ‘This is caused by heavy slumber’;2430
تو به تاویلات میگشتی از آن ** کور و گر کین هست از خواب گران
And the physician and the astrologer in flashes (of intelligence) saw the (true) explanation thereof, but concealed it from (motives) of cupidity.
وآن طبیب و آن منجم در لمع ** دید تعبیرش بپوشید از طمع
He (the physician) said, ‘Far be it from thy empire and kingship that anxiety should enter into thy consciousness.
گفت دور از دولت و از شاهیت ** که درآید غصه در آگاهیت
When the (human) constitution is indisposed by food that disagrees with it or by (rich) viands, it sees visions in sleep.’
از غذای مختلف یا از طعام ** طبع شوریده همیبیند منام
(He said this) because he perceived that thou art not one that desires good counsel, and that thou art violent and blood-drinking and not of lowly nature.
زانک دید او که نصیحتجو نهای ** تند و خونخواری و مسکینخو نهای