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  • At one time thou wert seeing (in vision) thy raiment burnt; at another time thy mouth and eyes stitched up;
  • Now a (rapacious) animal seeking thy blood; now thy head in the teeth of a wild beast;
  • Now (in thy dream thou wert) upside down in the midst of a latrine; now sunk in a fierce blood-dyed torrent; 2495
  • Now from this pure heaven came to thee a voice crying, ‘Thou art damned, thou art damned, damned’;
  • Now from the mountains came to thee a voice, (saying) plainly, ‘Begone! Thou art one of the people of the left hand’;
  • Now from every inanimate thing was coming to thee a voice (which cried), ‘Pharaoh is fallen into Hell for evermore’;
  • (And thou sawest) worse things than these, which from shame I will not tell, lest thy perverted nature become hot (with anger).
  • I have told thee a little, O thou who wilt not accept (my warning): from a little thou mayst know that I am acquainted (with the whole). 2500
  • Thou wert making thyself blind and dead, that thou might’st not bethink thee of the dreams and visions.
  • How long wilt thou flee? Lo, it is come to thee in despite of thy guile-meditating perception.
  • Explaining that the door of repentance is open.