- The scent of the perfume (floating) from the goodly perfumers smote him, so that his head reeled and he fell on the spot.
- بوی عطرش زد ز عطاران راد ** تا بگردیدش سر و بر جا فتاد
- He fell unconscious, like a carcase, at noontide in the middle of the thoroughfare.
- همچو مردار اوفتاد او بیخبر ** نیم روز اندر میان رهگذر
- Thereupon the people gathered over him, all crying Lá hawl and applying remedies. 260
- جمع آمد خلق بر وی آن زمان ** جملگان لاحولگو درمان کنان
- One was putting his hand on his (the tanner's) heart, while another sprinkled rose-water upon him;
- آن یکی کف بر دل او می براند ** وز گلاب آن دیگری بر وی فشاند
- (For) he did not know that from (smelling) rose-water in the meadow (the bazaar) that calamity had overtaken him.
- او نمیدانست کاندر مرتعه ** از گلاب آمد ورا آن واقعه
- One was massaging his hands and head, and another was bringing moist clay mixed with straw (to serve as a cold plaster);
- آن یکی دستش همیمالید و سر ** وآن دگر کهگل همی آورد تر
- One compounded incense of aloes-wood and sugar, while another was divesting him of part of his clothes;
- آن بخور عود و شکر زد به هم ** وآن دگر از پوششش میکرد کم
- And another felt his pulse, to see how it was beating; and another was smelling his mouth, 265
- وآن دگر نبضش که تا چون میجهد ** وان دگر بوی از دهانش میستد
- To see whether he had drunk wine or eaten beng or hashish: the people (having exhausted every resource) remained in despair at his insensibility.
- تا که می خوردست و یا بنگ و حشیش ** خلق درماندند اندر بیهشیش
- So they speedily brought the news to his kinsfolk—“Such and such a person is lying there in a state of collapse;
- پس خبر بردند خویشان را شتاب ** که فلان افتاده است آنجا خراب