- Who, really, can find bazaars like this where with a single rose thou art buying (whole) roseries;
- خود کی یابد این چنین بازار را ** که به یک گل میخری گلزار را
- (Where) a hundred groves come (are offered) to thee in exchange for one seed, a hundred mines in exchange for one groat?
- دانهای را صد درختستان عوض ** حبهای را آمدت صد کان عوض
- Kána lilláh is the giving of that groat, in order that kána ’lláh lahú may come into (thy) hand;
- کان لله دادن آن حبه است ** تا که کانالله له آید به دست
- For this weak unstable hú (personality) was brought into being by the steadfast (permanent) hú of the Lord.
- زآنک این هوی ضعیف بیقرار ** هست شد زان هوی رب پایدار
- When the hú that passes away has surrendered itself to Him, it becomes everlasting and never dies. 2615
- هوی فانی چونک خود فا او سپرد ** گشت باقی دایم و هرگز نمرد
- (’Tis) like a drop of water (which is) afraid of wind (air) and earth; for by means of these twain it is made to pass away (and perish.
- همچو قطرهی خایف از باد و ز خاک ** که فنا گردد بدین هر دو هلاک
- When it has leaped (thrown itself) into the sea, which was its source, it is delivered from the heat of the sun and from wind and earth.
- چون به اصل خود که دریا بود جست ** از تف خورشید و باد و خاک رست
- Its outward form has disappeared in the sea, but its essence is inviolate and permanent and goodly.
- ظاهرش گم گشت در دریا و لیک ** ذات او معصوم و پا بر جا و نیک
- Hark, O (thou who art like a) drop, give thyself up without repenting, that in recompense for the drop thou mayst gain the Ocean.
- هین بده ای قطره خود را بیندم ** تا بیابی در بهای قطره یم
- Hark, O drop, bestow on thyself this honour, and in the hand of the Sea become safe from destruction. 2620
- هین بده ای قطره خود را این شرف ** در کف دریا شو آمن از تلف