- My Amírate is lasting till the Resurrection; the Amírate held on loan will be shattered.”
- میری من تا قیامت باقیست ** میری عاریتی خواهد شکست
- The (opposing) party said, “O Amír, do not say too much (about this): what is thy argument for seeking more (than thy share)?”
- قوم گفتند ای امیر افزون مگو ** چیست حجت بر فزونجویی تو
- Forthwith, by the bitter command (of God), a cloud arose; (then) came the torrent: the countryside was filled (with the flood).
- در زمان ابری برآمد ز امر مر ** سیل آمد گشت آن اطراف پر
- The exceedingly frightful torrent set its face towards the town: the townsfolk (were) making loud lamentation, all (were) terrified.
- رو به شهر آورد سیل بس مهیب ** اهل شهر افغانکنان جمله رعیب
- The Prophet said, “Now the time is come for the test, in order that opinion may become ocular vision.” 2790
- گفت پیغامبر که وقت امتحان ** آمد اکنون تا گمارد گردد عیان
- Each Amír flung his lance (into the flood), that in the test it might become a barrier against the torrent.
- هر امیری نیزهی خود در فکند ** تا شود در امتحان آن سیلبند
- Then Mustafá (Mohammed) cast his wand upon it—that sovereign wand that reduced (his foes) to helplessness.
- پس قضیب انداخت در وی مصطفی ** آن قضیب معجز فرمان روا
- The rapid water of the boiling tameless torrent swept away the lances like a bit of straw.
- نیزهها را همچو خاشاکی ربود ** آب تیز سیل پرجوش عنود
- All the lances disappeared, while that wand stood on the surface of the water like a sentry.
- نیزهها گم گشت جمله و آن قضیب ** بر سر آب ایستاده چون رقیب
- From anxious regard for that wand the mighty torrent turned its face away, and the flood-water departed. 2795
- ز اهتمام آن قضیب آن سیل زفت ** روبگردانید و آن سیلاب رفت