In the course of time hundreds of thousands of the veils of the unbelievers have been rent by this laying down of stakes.
صد هزاران زین رهان اندر قران ** بر دریده پردههای منکران
When they (the devout men and the philosopher) made the wager, the truth prevailed as regards immortality and evidentiary miracles and the answer (given to unbelievers).
چون گرو بستند غالب شد صواب ** در دوام و معجزات و در جواب
I perceived that he who spoke (in support) of the priority (of non-existence) and of the temporal origin of the celestial sphere was victorious and in the right.”
فهم کردم کانک دم زد از سبق ** وز حدوث چرخ پیروزست و حق
The unbeliever's argument is always shamefaced: where is a single sign that indicates the truth of that unbelief?
حجت منکر هماره زردرو ** یک نشان بر صدق آن انکار کو
Where in this world is (to be found) a single minaret in praise (honour) of the unbelievers, so that it should be a sign (of their veracity)?2870
یک مناره در ثنای منکران ** کو درین عالم که تا باشد نشان
Where is (to be found) a single pulpit where a preacher commemorates the life of an unbeliever?
منبری کو که بر آنجا مخبری ** یاد آرد روزگار منکری
The face of gold and silver coins, from (bearing) their (the prophets') names, is giving a token of this truth till the Resurrection.
روی دینار و درم از نامشان ** تا قیامت میدهد زین حق نشان
The dies of the kings are ever being changed: behold the die of Ahmad (Mohammed) till the end of the world.
سکهی شاهان همی گردد دگر ** سکهی احمد ببین تا مستقر
Show (me) the name of a single unbeliever on the design (stamped) on the face of any piece of silver or gold!
بر رخ نقره و یا روی زری ** وا نما بر سکه نام منکری
Even (supposing that you) do not admit (arguments), behold this Miracle, (manifest) like the sun, hundred-tongued, whereof the name is Ummu ’l-Kitáb.2875
خود مگیر این معجز چون آفتاب ** صد زبان بین نام او امالکتاب