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  • And the boon-companion who had been delivered from the stroke of calamity was offended with this intercessor and drew back from (his former) fealty. 2950
  • وآن ندیم رسته از زخم و بلا ** زین شفیع آزرد و برگشت از ولا
  • He cut off all (relations of) friendship with that sincere man, and turned his face to the wall in order that he might not give (him) the salaam.
  • دوستی ببرید زان مخلص تمام ** رو به حایط کرد تا نارد سلام
  • He became estranged from his intercessor; in astonishment at this the people began to talk,
  • زین شفیع خویشتن بیگانه شد ** زین تعجب خلق در افسانه شد
  • Saying, “(If) he is not mad, how did he cut off friendly relations with the person who redeemed his life?
  • که نه مجنونست یاری چون برید ** از کسی که جان او را وا خرید
  • He (the intercessor) redeemed (saved) him from beheading at that moment: he (the culprit) ought to have become the dust of his (the intercessor's) shoe.
  • وا خریدش آن دم از گردن زدن ** خاک نعل پاش بایستی شدن
  • He has gone the reverse way and has taken (the course of) renouncing (his friend): he has taken to cherishing enmity against a beloved like this.” 2955
  • بازگونه رفت و بیزاری گرفت ** با چنین دلدار کین‌داری گرفت
  • Then a certain mentor reproached him, saying, “Why are you acting so unjustly towards a loyal friend?
  • پس ملامت کرد او را مصلحی ** کیین جفا چون می‌کنی با ناصحی
  • That elect beloved redeemed your life and saved you from beheading at that moment.
  • جان تو بخرید آن دلدار خاص ** آن دم از گردن زدن کردت خلاص
  • If he had done evil (towards you), you ought not to have turned away (from him; but) that praiseworthy friend was especially your benefactor.”
  • گر بدی کردی نبایستی رمید ** خاصه نیکی کرد آن یار حمید
  • He replied, “Life is freely given for the king's sake: why should he come as an intercessor between (us)?
  • گفت بهر شاه مبذولست جان ** او چرا آید شفیع اندر میان