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  • If every heart were hearing the hidden (Divine) revelation, how should there be in the world any words and sounds (to make it known)?
  • هر دل ار سامع بدی وحی نهان ** حرف و صوتی کی بدی اندر جهان
  • Though he (the intercessor) is lost in God and headless (devoid of self existence), yet my case is more delicate than that. 2980
  • گرچه او محو حقست و بی‌سرست ** لیک کار من از آن نازکترست
  • His act is the act of the king, but to my infirmity the good (which he did) appears to be evil.”
  • کرده‌ی او کرده‌ی شاهست لیک ** پیش ضعفم بد نماینده‌ست نیک
  • That which is the very essence of grace to the vulgar becomes wrath to the noble favourites (of God).
  • آنچ عین لطف باشد بر عوام ** قهر شد بر نازنینان کرام
  • Much tribulation and pain must the vulgar endure in order that they may be able to perceive the difference;
  • بس بلا و رنج می‌باید کشید ** عامه را تا فرق را توانند دید
  • For, O (my) companion in the Cave, these intermediary words are, in the sight of one united (with God), thorns, thorns, thorns.
  • کین حروف واسطه ای یار غار ** پیش واصل خار باشد خار خار
  • Much tribulation and pain and waiting were needed in order that that pure spirit might be delivered from the (intermediary) words; 2985
  • بس بلا و رنج بایست و وقوف ** تا رهد آن روح صافی از حروف
  • But some (persons) have become more deaf (than others) to this echo; some, again, have become purified and have mounted higher.
  • لیک بعضی زین صدا کرتر شدند ** باز بعضی صافی و برتر شدند
  • This tribulation is like the water of the Nile: it is water to the blessed and blood to the damned.
  • هم‌چو آب نیل آمد این بلا ** سعد را آبست و خون بر اشقیا
  • The more one descries the end, the more blessed is he: the greater one sees the crop (to be), the more zealously he sows,
  • هر که پایان‌بین‌تر او مسعودتر ** جدتر او کارد که افزون دید بر