Because of being parted (from me) thy cheeks and face have become yellow (pale): thou art (a tree with) yellow leaves and unripened fruit,
از فراقت زرد شد رخسار و رو ** برگ زردی میوهی ناپخته تو
The pot was blackened by the fire and became like smoke in colour, (but) the meat, on account of (its) hardness, has remained so raw as this!
دیگ ز آتش شد سیاه و دودفام ** گوشت از سختی چنین ماندست خام
Eight years have I boiled, thee in separation (from me): thy rawness and hypocrisy have not become less by a single mote.
هشت سالت جوش دادم در فراق ** کم نشد یک ذره خامیت و نفاق
Thy young grape is indurated; for through sickness the (other) young grapes are now raisins, while thou art (still) immature.”305
غورهی تو سنگ بسته کز سقام ** غورهها اکنون مویزند و تو خام
How the lover begged to be excused for his sin, (but) with duplicity and dissimulation; and how the beloved perceived that also.
عذر خواستن آن عاشق از گناه خویش به تلبیس و روی پوش و فهم کردن معشوق آن را نیز
The lover said, “I made the trial—do not take offence—that I might see whether thou art a hetaera or a modest woman. [The lover said, “I made the trial—do not take offence—that I might see whether thou art a courtesan or a modest woman.]
گفت عاشق امتحان کردم مگیر ** تا ببینم تو حریفی یا ستیر
I was knowing (it) without the trial, but how should hearing be the same as seeing?
من همی دانستمت بیامتحان ** لیک کی باشد خبر همچون عیان
Thou art (like) the sun: thy name is renowned and known to all: what harm is there if I have tested it?
آفتابی نام تو مشهور و فاش ** چه زیانست ار بکردم ابتلاش
Thou art I: every day I am making trial of myself in profit and loss (good and evil).
تو منی من خویشتن را امتحان ** میکنم هر روز در سود و زیان
The prophets were put to the trial by their enemies, with the result that miracles were displayed by them.310
انبیا را امتحان کرده عدات ** تا شده ظاهر ازیشان معجزات
I made trial of my own eye with light, O thou from whose eyes may the evil eye be far!
امتحان چشم خود کردم به نور ** ای که چشم بد ز چشمان تو دور