- Since the causes of mortality are infinite, which road, then, shall we bar?
- چون فنا را شد سبب بیمنتهی ** پس کدامین راه را بندیم ما
- A hundred windows and doors facing towards mordant death are ever creaking as they are opened,
- صد دریچه و در سوی مرگ لدیغ ** میکند اندر گشادن ژیغ ژیغ
- (But) from greed for (worldly) provision the ear of the covetous does not hear the harsh creaking of those doors of death.
- ژیغژیغ تلخ آن درهای مرگ ** نشنود گوش حریص از حرص برگ
- From the side of the body, pains are the noise of the door; and from the side of enemies, maltreatment is the noise of the door. 3105
- از سوی تن دردها بانگ درست ** وز سوی خصمان جفا بانگ درست
- My dear friend, read for one moment the table of contents of (books on) Medicine; look at the flaming fire of diseases!
- جان سر بر خوان دمی فهرست طب ** نار علتها نظر کن ملتهب
- Through all those tumours (maladies) there is a way (for death) into this house: at every two steps there is a pit full of scorpions.
- زان همه غرها درین خانه رهست ** هر دو گامی پر ز کزدمها چهست
- (The king said), “The wind is fierce and my lamp is a docked (imperfect) one: I will light another lamp from it,
- باد تندست و چراغم ابتری ** زو بگیرانم چراغ دیگری
- So that maybe one complete (lamp) will arise from them both, if that one lamp be put out by the wind,”
- تا بود کز هر دو یک وافی شود ** گر به باد آن یک چراغ از جا رود
- Like the gnostic who, for the sake of (gaining) freedom from care, has lit the candle of the heart (spirit) from this defective lamp of the body, 3110
- همچو عارف کن تن ناقص چراغ ** شمع دل افروخت از بهر فراغ
- In order that, one day when this (bodily lamp) dies of a sudden, he may place before his eye the candle of the spirit.
- تا که روزی کین بمیرد ناگهان ** پیش چشم خود نهد او شمع جان