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  • The king prevailed and gave (in marriage) to him (his son) a maiden of goodly nature, belonging to the family of a righteous man.
  • غالب آمد شاه و دادش دختری ** از نژاد صالحی خوش جوهری
  • Verily, she had none to rival her in loveliness: her face was brighter than the sun at morn.
  • در ملاحت خود نظیر خود نداشت ** چهره‌اش تابان‌تر از خورشید چاشت
  • Such was the maiden's beauty; and her qualities were such that, on account of their excellence, they are not (to be) contained in (any) description. 3140
  • حسن دختر این خصالش آنچنان ** کز نکویی می‌نگنجد در بیان
  • Make religion thy prey, that in consequence (as a corollary) there may come (to thee) beauty and riches and power and advantageous fortune.
  • صید دین کن تا رسد اندر تبع ** حسن و مال و جاه و بخت منتفع
  • Know that the next world, in respect of ownership, is (like) files of camels: the present world is its corollary, like the (camels') hair and dung.
  • آخرت قطار اشتر دان به ملک ** در تبع دنیاش هم‌چون پشم و پشک
  • (If) thou choose the hair, the camel will not be thine, and if the camel be thine, what value has the hair?
  • پشم بگزینی شتر نبود ترا ** ور بود اشتر چه قیمت پشم را
  • When the marriage (matrimonial alliance) with the family of the uncontentious righteous folk was achieved (successfully arranged) by the king,
  • چون بر آمد این نکاح آن شاه را ** با نژاد صالحان بی مرا
  • By (Divine) destiny a decrepit old witch, who was in love with the handsome and generous prince— 3145
  • از قضا کمپیرکی جادو که بود ** عاشق شه‌زاده‌ی با حسن و جود
  • An old woman of Kábul—bewitched him with a sorcery of which the magic of Babylon (itself) would be envious.
  • جادوی کردش عجوزه‌ی کابلی ** کی برد زان رشک سحر بابلی
  • The prince fell in love with the ugly hag, so that he abandoned his bride and the wedding.
  • شه بچه شد عاشق کمپیر زشت ** تا عروس و آن عروسی را بهشت