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  • Since she hath cast thee into this polluted stream, continually recite and utter (the words), Say, I take refuge.
  • چون در افکندت دریغ آلوده روذ ** دم به دم می‌خوان و می‌دم قل اعوذ
  • In order that thou mayst be delivered from this witchery and this distress, beg of the Lord of the daybreak that thou mayst say “I take refuge.”
  • تا رهی زین جادوی و زین قلق ** استعاذت خواه از رب الفلق
  • The Prophet called this world of thine an enchantress because through her spells she lodged mankind in the pit.
  • زان نبی دنیات را سحاره خواند ** کو به افسون خلق را در چه نشاند
  • Beware! The stinking hag hath hot (potent) spells: her hot breath hath made kings captive.
  • هین فسون گرم دارد گنده پیر ** کرده شاهان را دم گرمش اسیر
  • She is the witches who blow (on knots) within (thy) breast: she is the (means of) maintaining the knots of sorcery. 3195
  • در درون سینه نفاثات اوست ** عقده‌های سحر را اثبات اوست
  • The sorceress, (who is) the World, is a mightily cunning woman: ’tis not in the power of the vulgar to undo her sorcery;
  • ساحره‌ی دنیا قوی دانا زنیست ** حل سحر او به پای عامه نیست
  • And if (men's) understandings could loose her knot, how should God have sent the prophets?
  • ور گشادی عقد او را عقلها ** انبیا را کی فرستادی خدا
  • Hark, seek one whose breath is pure, a looser of knots, one who knows the mystery of God doeth whatso He willeth.
  • هین طلب کن خوش‌دمی عقده‌گشا ** رازدان یفعل الله ما یشا
  • She (the World) hath imprisoned thee, like a fish, in her net: the prince remained (there) one year, and thou sixty.
  • هم‌چو ماهی بسته است او به شست ** شاه زاده ماند سالی و تو شصت
  • From (being enmeshed in) her net thou art in tribulation sixty years: neither art thou happy nor (dost thou walk) in the way of the Sunna. 3200
  • شصت سال از شست او در محنتی ** نه خوشی نه بر طریق سنتی