- When you have made trial of yourself, O such-and-such, you will be unconcerned with making trial of others.
- امتحان خود چو کردی ای فلان ** فارغ آیی ز امتحان دیگران
- When you have come to know that you are a grain of sugar, then you will know that you belong to the sugar-house.
- چون بدانستی که شکردانهای ** پس بدانی کاهل شکرخانهای
- Know, then, without making any trial, that (if) you are sugar, God will not send you to the wrong place. 370
- پس بدان بیامتحانی که اله ** شکری نفرستدت ناجایگاه
- Without making trial, know this of the King's (God's) knowledge: when you are a (spiritual) chief, He will not send you (down) to the vestibule.
- این بدان بیامتحان از علم شاه ** چون سری نفرستدت در پایگاه
- Does any intelligent man let a precious pearl fall into the midst of a privy full of ordure?
- هیچ عاقل افکند در ثمین ** در میان مستراحی پر چمین
- Inasmuch as a sagacious and attentive man will nowise send wheat to a straw-barn,
- زانک گندم را حکیم آگهی ** هیچ نفرستد به انبار کهی
- If a novice has made trial of the Shaykh who is the (spiritual) leader and guide, he is an ass.
- شیخ را که پیشوا و رهبرست ** گر مریدی امتحان کرد او خرست
- If you make trial of him in the way of religion, you will be tried (by tribulation), O man without faith. 375
- امتحانش گر کنی در راه دین ** هم تو گردی ممتحن ای بییقین
- Your audacity and ignorance will become naked and exposed to view: how should he be made naked by that scrutiny?
- جرات و جهلت شود عریان و فاش ** او برهنه کی شود زان افتتاش
- If the mote come and weigh the mountain, its scales will be shattered by the mountain, O youth;
- گر بیاید ذره سنجد کوه را ** بر درد زان که ترازوش ای فتی