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  • Your intellect is indescribably near to you: it is neither to the left nor to the right nor behind nor in front.
  • قرب بی‌چونست عقلت را به تو ** نیست چپ و راست و پس یا پیش رو
  • How (then) should not the King be indescribably near? for intellectual search cannot find the way (to Him).
  • قرب بی‌چون چون نباشد شاه را ** که نیابد بحث عقل آن راه را
  • The motion that you have in your finger is not in front of your finger or behind it or to the left or to the right.
  • نیست آن جنبش که در اصبع تراست ** پیش اصبع یا پسش یا چپ و راست
  • At the time of sleep and death it (the motion) goes from it (the finger); at the time of waking it rejoins it.
  • وقت خواب و مرگ از وی می‌رود ** وقت بیداری قرینش می‌شود
  • By what way doth it come into your finger, (that motion) without which your finger hath no use? 3690
  • از چه ره می‌آید اندر اصبعت ** که اصبعت بی او ندارد منفعت
  • The light of the eye and pupil, by what other way than the six directions doth it come into your eye?
  • نور چشم و مردمک در دیده‌ات ** از چه ره آمد به غیر شش جهت
  • The world of creation is endued with (diverse) quarters and directions, (but) know that the world of the (Divine) Command and Attributes is without (beyond) direction.
  • عالم خلقست با سوی و جهات ** بی‌جهت دان عالم امر و صفات
  • Know, O beloved, that the world of the Command is without direction: of necessity the Commander is (even) more without direction.
  • بی‌جهت دان عالم امر ای صنم ** بی‌جهت‌تر باشد آمر لاجرم
  • The intellect was (ever) without direction, and the Knower of the exposition is more intelligent than intellect and more spiritual even than spirit.
  • بی‌جهت بد عقل و علام البیان ** عقل‌تر از عقل و جان‌تر هم ز جان
  • No created being is unconnected with Him: that connexion, O uncle, is indescribable, 3695
  • بی‌تعلق نیست مخلوقی بدو ** آن تعلق هست بی‌چون ای عمو