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  • If its fox (the body) was perturbed for a moment, belike the lion-spirit was then asleep.
  • روبهش گر یک دمی آشفته بود ** شیر جان مانا که آن دم خفته بود
  • That lion which is immune from sleep was (apparently) asleep: lo, a complaisant terrible lion! 3795
  • خفته بود آن شیر کز خوابست پاک ** اینت شیر نرمسار سهمناک
  • The lion feigns to be asleep so (well) that those curs think he is quite dead;
  • خفته سازد شیر خود را آنچنان ** که تمامش مرده دانند این سگان
  • Else, who in the world would dare to rob a poor man (even) of a grain of turpeth mineral?
  • ورنه در عالم کرا زهره بدی ** که ربودی از ضعیفی تربدی
  • The foam (body) of Ahmad was torn (powerfully affected) by that sight (of Gabriel), (but) his sea (spirit) surged up (displayed itself in action) for love of the foam.
  • کف احمد زان نظر مخدوش گشت ** بحر او از مهر کف پرجوش گشت
  • The moon (the spirit of Ahmad) is entirely a bounteous light-diffusing hand: if the moon have no hand (with which to bestow light), let it have none!
  • مه همه کفست معطی نورپاش ** ماه را گر کف نباشد گو مباش
  • If Ahmad should display that glorious pinion (his spiritual nature), Gabriel would remain dumbfounded unto everlasting. 3800
  • احمد ار بگشاید آن پر جلیل ** تا ابد بیهوش ماند جبرئیل
  • When Ahmad passed beyond the Lote-tree (on the boundary of Paradise) and his (Gabriel's) place of watch and station and farthest limit,
  • چون گذشت احمد ز سدره و مرصدش ** وز مقام جبرئیل و از حدش
  • He said to him (Gabriel), “Hark, fly after me.” He (Gabriel) said, “Go, go; I am not thy companion (any farther).”
  • گفت او را هین بپر اندر پیم ** گفت رو رو من حریف تو نیم
  • He answered him, saying, “Come, O destroyer of veils: I have not yet advanced to my zenith.”
  • باز گفت او را بیا ای پرده‌سوز ** من باوج خود نرفتستم هنوز