- Hark, the shaping (of the poem) is from me, and the spirit (of it) from thee; nay, (I spoke) in error: truly both this and that are from thee.
- هین ز ما صورتگری و جان ز تو ** نه غلط هم این خود و هم آن ز تو
- Thou art glorified in Heaven, O conspicuous Sun: be thou also glorified on earth unto everlasting,
- بر فلک محمودی ای خورشید فاش ** بر زمین هم تا ابد محمود باش
- That the inhabitant of the earth may become one in heart and one in aim and one in nature with the sublime celestial.
- تا زمینی با سمایی بلند ** یکدل و یکقبله و یکخو شوند
- (Then) separation and polytheism and duality will disappear: in real existence there is (only) unity.
- تفرقه برخیزد و شرک و دوی ** وحدتست اندر وجود معنوی
- When my spirit (fully) recognises thy spirit, they (both) remember their being one in the past, 3830
- چون شناسد جان من جان ترا ** یاد آرند اتحاد ماجری
- And on the earth become (as) Moses and Aaron, sweetly mingled like milk and honey.
- موسی و هارون شوند اندر زمین ** مختلط خوش همچو شیر و انگبین
- When it (my spirit) recognises (thy spirit) a little and (then) denies (it), its denial becomes a veil covering (the truth).
- چون شناسد اندک و منکر شود ** منکریاش پردهی ساتر شود
- Many a one who recognised (part of the truth) averted his face: that Moon was angered by his ingratitude.
- پس شناسایی بگردانید رو ** خشم کرد آن مه ز ناشکری او
- Hence the evil spirit became unable to recognise the spirit of the Prophet and turned on its heel.
- زین سبب جان نبی را جان بد ** ناشناسا گشت و پشت پای زد
- You have read all this: read (the Súra beginning with the words) Lam yakun, that you may know the obstinacy of that old infidel. 3835
- این همه خواندی فرو خوان لم یکن ** تا بدانی لج این گبر کهن