- If this one eat bread, that one is not filled; and if this one bear a load, that one does not become laden;
- گر خورد این نان نگردد سیر آن ** ور کشد بار این نگردد او گران
- Nay, but this one rejoices at the death of that one, and dies of envy when he sees that one's prosperity.
- بلک این شادی کند از مرگ او ** از حسد میرد چو بیند برگ او
- The souls of wolves and dogs are separate, every one; the souls of the Lions of God are united.
- جان گرگان و سگان هر یک جداست ** متحد جانهای شیران خداست
- I have spoken of their souls nominally (formally) in the plural, for that single soul is a hundred in relation to the body, 415
- جمع گفتم جانهاشان من به اسم ** کان یکی جان صد بود نسبت به جسم
- Just as the single light of the sun in heaven is a hundred in relation to the house-courts (on which it shines),
- همچو آن یک نور خورشید سما ** صد بود نسبت بصحن خانهها
- But when you remove the wall, all the lights (falling) on them are one.
- لیک یک باشد همه انوارشان ** چونک برگیری تو دیوار از میان
- When the (bodily) houses have no foundation remaining, the Faithful remain one soul.
- چون نماند خانهها را قاعده ** مومنان مانند نفس واحده
- Differences and difficulties arise from this saying, because this is not a (complete) similitude: it is (only) a comparison.
- فرق و اشکالات آید زین مقال ** زانک نبود مثل این باشد مثال
- Endless are the differences between the corporeal figure of a lion and the figure of a courageous son of man; 420
- فرقها بیحد بود از شخص شیر ** تا به شخص آدمیزاد دلیر
- But at the moment of (making) the comparison consider, O thou who hast good insight, their oneness in respect of hazarding their lives;
- لیک در وقت مثال ای خوشنظر ** اتحاد از روی جانبازی نگر