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  • Wilt not thou bring thy headache (trouble and pain) to the court of God, saying, ‘Take the blackness away, give back the radiance!’ 580
  • نه به درگاه خدا آری صداع ** که سیاهی را ببر وا ده شعاع
  • If they would kill thee at midnight, where is the sun, that thou shouldst wail (in supplication) and beg protection of it?
  • گر کشندت نیم‌شب خورشید کو ** تا بنالی یا امان خواهی ازو
  • Calamities, for the most part, happen in the night; and at that time the object of thy worship is absent.
  • حادثات اغلب به شب واقع شود ** وان زمان معبود تو غایب بود
  • If thou sincerely bow (in prayer) to God, thou wilt be delivered from the stars: thou wilt become intimate (with God).
  • سوی حق گر راستانه خم شوی ** وا رهی از اختران محرم شوی
  • When thou becomest intimate, I will open my lips (to speak) with thee, that thou may’st behold a Sun at midnight.
  • چون شوی محرم گشایم با تو لب ** تا ببینی آفتابی نیم‌شب
  • It hath no Orient but the pure spirit: in (respect of) its rising, there is no difference between day and night. 585
  • جز روان پاک او را شرق نه ** در طلوعش روز و شب را فرق نه
  • ’Tis day when it (the Sun) rises; when it begins to shine, night is night no more.
  • روز آن باشد که او شارق شود ** شب نماند شب چو او بارق شود
  • (Such) as the mote appears in the presence of the sun, even such is the sun (of this world) in the pure substance (of the Light of God).
  • چون نماید ذره پیش آفتاب ** هم‌چنانست آفتاب اندر لباب
  • The sun that becomes resplendent, and before which the (keenest) sight is blunted and dazzled—
  • آفتابی را که رخشان می‌شود ** دیده پیشش کند و حیران می‌شود
  • Thou wilt see it as a mote in the light of the Divine Throne, (a mote) beside the illimitable abounding light of the Divine Throne.
  • هم‌چو ذره بینیش در نور عرش ** پیش نور بی حد موفور عرش