The bait says, “If thou art stealing thy looks (away from me) I am stealing from thee patience and constancy.
دانه گوید گر تو میدزدی نظر ** من همی دزدم ز تو صبر و مقر
When those looks have drawn thee after me, then thou wilt know that I am not inattentive to thee.”
چون کشیدت آن نظر اندر پیم ** پس بدانی کز تو من غافل نیم
Story of the druggist whose balance-weight was clay for washing the head; and how a customer, who was a clay-eater, stole some of that clay covertly and secretly, whilst sugar was being weighed.
قصهی عطاری کی سنگ ترازوی او گل سرشوی بود و دزدیدن مشتری گل خوار از آن گل هنگام سنجیدن شکر دزدیده و پنهان
A certain clay-eater went to a druggist to buy (a quantity of) fine hard sugar-loaf.625
پیش عطاری یکی گلخوار رفت ** تا خرد ابلوج قند خاص زفت
Now, at the druggist's, (who was) a crafty vigilant man, in place of the balance-weight there was clay.
پس بر عطار طرار دودل ** موضع سنگ ترازو بود گل
He said, “If you want to buy sugar, my balance-weight is clay.”
گفت گل سنگ ترازوی منست ** گر ترا میل شکر بخریدنست
He (the customer) said, “I am requiring sugar for an urgent affair: let the balance-weight be whatever you wish.”
گفت هستم در مهمی قندجو ** سنگ میزان هر چه خواهی باش گو
To himself he said, “What does the weight matter to one that eats clay? Clay is better than gold.”
گفت با خود پیش آنک گلخورست ** سنگ چه بود گل نکوتر از زرست
As the dallála (go-between) who said, “O son, I have found a very beautiful new bride (for you).630
همچو آن دلاله که گفت ای پسر ** نو عروسی یافتم بس خوبفر
(She is) exceedingly pretty, but there is just one thing, that the lady is a confectioner's daughter.”
سخت زیبا لیک هم یک چیز هست ** که آن ستیره دختر حلواگرست
“(All the) better,” said he; “if it is indeed so, his daughter will be fatter and sweeter.”
گفت بهتر این چنین خود گر بود ** دختر او چرب و شیرینتر بود