- Since he had no pick-axe, he took a long time and made the customer sit waiting.
- چون نبودش تیشهای او دیر ماند ** مشتری را منتظر آنجا نشاند
- (Whilst) his face was (turned) towards that (sugar), the clay-eater, unable to restrain himself, began covertly to steal the clay from him,
- رویش آن سو بود گلخور ناشکفت ** گل ازو پوشیده دزدیدن گرفت
- Terribly frightened lest his (the druggist's) eye should fall upon him of a sudden for the purpose of testing (his honesty).
- ترس ترسان که نباید ناگهان ** چشم او بر من فتد از امتحان
- The druggist saw it, but made himself busy, saying, “Come, steal more, O pale-faced one!
- دید عطار آن و خود مشغول کرد ** که فزونتر دزد هین ای رویزرد
- If you will be a thief and take some of my clay, go on (doing so), for you are eating out of your own side. 640
- گر بدزدی وز گل من میبری ** رو که هم از پهلوی خود میخوری
- You are afraid of me, but (only) because you are a (stupid) ass: I am afraid you will eat less (too little).
- تو همی ترسی ز من لیک از خری ** من همیترسم که تو کمتر خوری
- Though I am occupied, I am not such a fool (as to suffer) that you should get too much of my sugar-cane.
- گرچه مشغولم چنان احمق نیم ** که شکر افزون کشی تو از نیم
- When you see (find) by experience the (amount of) sugar (which you have bought), then you will know who was foolish and careless.”
- چون ببینی مر شکر را ز آزمود ** پس بدانی احمق و غافل کی بود
- The bird looks pleased at the bait; still, the bait, (though) at a distance (from it), is waylaying it.
- مرغ زان دانه نظر خوش میکند ** دانه هم از دور راهش میزند
- If you are deriving some pleasure from the eye's cupidity, are not you eating roast-meat from your own side? 645
- کز زنای چشم حظی میبری ** نه کباب از پهلوی خود میخوری