- (And that) this (melody) which people sing with pandore and throat is the sound of the revolutions of the sphere;
- بانگ گردشهای چرخست این که خلق ** میسرایندش به طنبور و به حلق
- (But) the true believers say that the influences of Paradise made every unpleasant sound to be beautiful. 735
- مومنان گویند که آثار بهشت ** نغز گردانید هر آواز زشت
- We all have been parts of Adam, we have heard those melodies in Paradise.
- ما همه اجزای آدم بودهایم ** در بهشت آن لحنها بشنودهایم
- Although the water and earth (of our bodies) have caused a doubt to fall upon us, something of those (melodies) comes (back) to our memory;
- گرچه بر ما ریخت آب و گل شکی ** یادمان آمد از آنها چیزکی
- But since it is mingled with the earth of sorrow, how should this treble and bass give (us) the same delight?
- لیک چون آمیخت با خاک کرب ** کی دهند این زیر و آن بم آن طرب
- When water is mingled with urine and stalings, its temperament is made bitter and acid by the commixture.
- آب چون آمیخت با بول و کمیز ** گشت ز آمیزش مزاجش تلخ و تیز
- There is a small quantity of water in his (a man's) body: suppose it is urine, (yet) it will extinguish a fire. 740
- چیزکی از آب هستش در جسد ** بول گیرش آتشی را میکشد
- If the water has been defiled, (still) this natural property of it remains, for by its nature it allays the fire of grief.
- گر نجس شد آب این طبعش بماند ** که آتش غم را به طبع خود نشاند
- Therefore samá‘ (music) is the food of lovers (of God), since therein is the phantasy of composure (tranquillity of mind).
- پس غدای عاشقان آمد سماع ** که درو باشد خیال اجتماع
- From (hearing) sounds and pipings the mental phantasies gather a (great) strength; nay, they become forms (in the imagination).
- قوتی گیرد خیالات ضمیر ** بلک صورت گردد از بانگ و صفیر