- And what those bábíl (swifts) did to the Elephant, and how the gnat devoured the skull of Nimrod;
- وآنچ آن بابیل با آن پیل کرد ** وآنچ پشه کلهی نمرود خورد
- And how a David hurled with his hand a stone (which) became six hundred pieces and shattered an army.
- وآنک سنگ انداخت داودی بدست ** گشت شصد پاره و لشکر شکست
- Stones rained upon the enemies of Lot, so that they were submerged in the black water.
- سنگ میبارید بر اعدای لوط ** تا که در آب سیه خوردند غوط
- If I relate the help given rationally to the prophets by the inanimate things of the world,
- گر بگویم از جمادات جهان ** عاقلانه یاری پیغامبران
- The Mathnawí will become of such extent that, if forty camels carry it, they will be unable to bear the full load. 790
- مثنوی چندان شود که چل شتر ** گر کشد عاجز شود از بار پر
- The (infidel’s) hand will give testimony against the infidel will become an army of God, and will submit (to the Divine command).
- دست بر کافر گواهی میدهد ** لشکر حق میشود سر مینهد
- O you that in your actions have studied to oppose God, you are in the midst of His army: be afraid!
- ای نموده ضد حق در فعل درس ** در میان لشکر اویی بترس
- Every part of you is an army of God in accord (with Him) they are obedient to you now, (but) not sincerely’.
- جزو جزوت لشکر از در وفاق ** مر ترا اکنون مطیعاند از نفاق
- If He say to the eye, “Squeeze (torture) him,” eye-ache will wreak upon you a hundred vengeances;
- گر بگوید چشم را کو را فشار ** درد چشم از تو بر آرد صد دمار
- And if He say to the teeth, ‘Plague (him),” then you will suffer chastisement from your teeth. 795
- ور به دندان گوید او بنما وبال ** پس ببینی تو ز دندان گوشمال