- Of whom shall I complain? To whom shall I tell this plaint? I am become crazy and in a hundred minds.
- از کی نالم با کی گویم این گله ** من شدم سودایی اکنون صد دله
- His (God's) jealousy has closed my lips (so that I am unable) to unfold (the tale of) the mystery: I say (only) this much, that my child is lost.
- غیرتش از شرح غیبم لب ببست ** این قدر گویم که طفلم گم شدست
- If I should say anything else now, the people would bind me in chains as though I were mad.”
- گر بگویم چیز دیگر من کنون ** خلق بندندم به زنجیر جنون
- The old man said to her, “O Halíma, rejoice; bow down in thanksgiving and do not rend thy face. 975
- گفت پیرش کای حلیمه شاد باش ** سجدهی شکر آر و رو را کم خراش
- Do not grieve: he will not become lost to thee; nay, but the (whole) world will become lost in him.
- غم مخور یاوه نگردد او ز تو ** بلک عالم یاوه گردد اندرو
- Before and behind (him) there are always hundreds of thousands of keepers and guardians (watching over him) in jealous emulation.
- هر زمان از رشک غیرت پیش و پس ** صد هزاران پاسبانست و حرس
- Didst not thou see how those idols with all their arts fell headlong at the name of thy child?
- آن ندیدی کان بتان ذو فنون ** چون شدند از نام طفلت سرنگون
- This is a marvellous epoch on the face of the earth: I have grown old, and I have not seen aught of this kind.”
- این عجب قرنیست بر روی زمین ** پیر گشتم من ندیدم جنس این
- Since (even) the stones (idols) bewailed this (prophetic) mission, think what (tribulation) it will set over (bring down upon) sinners! 980
- زین رسالت سنگها چون ناله داشت ** تا چه خواهد بر گنه کاران گماشت
- The stone is guiltless in respect of being an object of worship, (but) you are not under compulsion in worshipping it.
- سنگ بیجرمست در معبودیش ** تو نهای مضطر که بنده بودیش