- But in the countenance of that unique Pearl (Mohammed) I have beheld the signs of Thy grace, O Bounteous One; 990
- لیک در سیمای آن در یتیم ** دیدهام آثار لطفت ای کریم
- For he doth not resemble us, though he is of us: we all are (as) the copper, while Ahmad (Mohammed) is the Elixir.
- که نمیماند به ما گرچه ز ماست ** ما همه مسیم و احمد کیمیاست
- The wondrous things that I have seen in him I have not seen in friend or enemy.
- آن عجایبها که من دیدم برو ** من ندیدم بر ولی و بر عدو
- None, (even) with a hundred years' endeavour, would (be able to) indicate that which Thy bounty has bestowed on him in childhood.
- آنک فضل تو درین طفلیش داد ** کس نشان ندهد به صد ساله جهاد
- Since I saw with (intuitive) certainty Thy favours towards him, (I know that) he is a pearl of Thy sea.
- چون یقین دیدم عنایتهای تو ** بر وی او دریست از دریای تو
- Him I bring (forward) to plead with Thee: tell me his plight, O Thou who knowest (every) plight!” 995
- من هم او را می شفیع آرم به تو ** حال او ای حالدان با من بگو
- From within the Ka‘ba came at once a cry, “Even now he will show his face unto thee.
- از درون کعبه آمد بانگ زود ** که هماکنون رخ به تو خواهد نمود
- He is blessed by Us with two hundred felicities, he is guarded by Us with two hundred troops of angels.
- با دو صد اقبال او محظوظ ماست ** با دو صد طلب ملک محفوظ ماست
- We make his outward (appearance) celebrated in the world; We make his inward (reality) to be hidden from all.
- ظاهرش را شهرهی گیهان کنیم ** باطنش را از همه پنهان کنیم
- The water and clay was (like) gold of the mine: We are the goldsmith; for We carve it now into an anklet, now into a seal.
- زر کان بود آب و گل ما زرگریم ** که گهش خلخال و گه خاتم بریم