- Thou seest the foam moving in every direction: without the Sea the foam hath no turning-place. 1030
- کف همیبینی روانه هر طرف ** کف بیدریا ندارد منصرف
- Thou seest the foam by sense perception and the Sea by induction: thought is hidden, speech manifest.
- کف به حس بینی و دریا از دلیل ** فکر پنهان آشکارا قال و قیل
- We deemed negation to be affirmation: we had an eye that saw (only) the nonexistent.
- نفی را اثبات میپنداشتیم ** دیدهی معدومبینی داشتیم
- The eye that appeared (came into being) in a state of slumber, how should it be able to see aught but phantasy and non-existence?
- دیدهای که اندر نعاسی شد پدید ** کی تواند جز خیال و نیست دید
- Necessarily we were bewildered by error, since Reality was hidden and Phantasy visible,
- لاجرم سرگشته گشتیم از ضلال ** چون حقیقت شد نهان پیدا خیال
- (Wondering) why He (God) set up this non-existence in (full) view and why He caused that Reality to be hidden from sight. 1035
- این عدم را چون نشاند اندر نظر ** چون نهان کرد آن حقیقت از بصر
- Praise (to Thee), O Master-weaver of magic who hast made the dregs to seem pure (wine) to them that turn away (from the Truth).
- آفرین ای اوستاد سحرباف ** که نمودی معرضان را درد صاف
- Magicians quickly measure moonbeams in the presence of the merchant and receive gold as profit.
- ساحران مهتاب پیمایند زود ** پیش بازرگان و زر گیرند سود
- (When) by artful tricks of this sort they take money, the money is gone from his (the purchaser's) hand, (but) there is no linen (to be seen).
- سیم بربایند زین گون پیچ پیچ ** سیم از کف رفته و کرباس هیچ
- This world is a sorcerer, and we are the merchants who buy from it the measured moonbeams.
- این جهان جادوست ما آن تاجریم ** که ازو مهتاب پیموده خریم