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  • We live for thy service: as thou (thyself) art performing the service, what then are we?”
  • ما برای خدمت تو می‌زییم  ** چون تو خدمت می‌کنی پس ما چه‌ایم 
  • He said, “I know that, but this is an (extraordinary) occasion; I have a deep reason for washing this myself.”
  • گفت آن دانم و لیک این ساعتیست  ** که درین شستن بخویشم حکمتیست 
  • They waited, saying, “This is the Prophet's word,” till it should appear what these mysteries were. 115
  • منتظر بودند کین قول نبیست  ** تا پدید آید که این اسرار چیست 
  • (Meanwhile) he was busily washing those filthy things, by God's command exclusively, not from blind conformity and ostentation;
  • او به جد می‌شست آن احداث را  ** خاص ز امر حق نه تقلید و ریا 
  • For his heart was telling him, “Do thou wash them, for herein is wisdom manifold.”
  • که دلش می‌گفت کین را تو بشو  ** که درین جا هست حکمت تو بتو 
  • The cause of the guest's return to the house of Mustafá, on whom be peace, at the hour when Mustafá was washing his befouled bed-rug with his own hand; and how he was overcome with shame and rent his garment and made lamentation for himself and for his plight.
  • سبب رجوع کردن آن مهمان به خانه‌ی مصطفی علیه‌السلام در آن ساعت که مصطفی نهالین ملوث او را به دست خود می‌شست و خجل شدن او و جامه چاک کردن و نوحه‌ی او بر خود و بر سعادت خود 
  • The wretched infidel had an amulet (which he carried) as a keepsake. He observed that it was lost, and became distracted.
  • کافرک را هیکلی بد یادگار  ** یاوه دید آن را و گشت او بی‌قرار 
  • He said, “The room in which I lodged during the night—I (must have) left the amulet there unawares.”
  • گفت آن حجره که شب جا داشتم  ** هیکل آنجا بی‌خبر بگذاشتم 
  • Though he was ashamed, greed took away his shame: greed is a dragon, it is no small thing. 120
  • گر چه شرمین بود شرمش حرص برد  ** حرص اژدرهاست نه چیزیست خرد 
  • In quest of the amulet he ran hastily into the house of Mustafá and saw him,
  • از پی هیکل شتاب اندر دوید  ** در وثاق مصطفی و آن را بدید 
  • That Hand of God, cheerfully washing the filth by himself— far from him be the evil eye!
  • کان یدالله آن حدث را هم به خود  ** خوش همی‌شوید که دورش چشم بد