- What he had tasted of bitters and dregs he was recounting to her in detail, point by point,
- آنچ او نوشیده بود از تلخ و درد ** او به تفصیلش یکایک میشمرد
- Not for the sake of reproach; nay, he was displaying a hundred testimonies of the trueness of his love.
- نه از برای منتی بل مینمود ** بر درستی محبت صد شهود
- For men of reason a single indication is enough, (but) how should the thirst (longing) of lovers be removed thereby?
- عاقلان را یک اشارت بس بود ** عاشقان را تشنگی زان کی رود
- He (the lover) repeats his tale unweariedly: how should a fish be satisfied with (mere) indication (so as to refrain) from the limpid water?
- میکند تکرار گفتن بیملال ** کی ز اشارت بس کند حوت از زلال
- He (the lover), from that ancient grief, was speaking a hundred words in complaint, saying, “I have not spoken a word.” 1250
- صد سخن میگفت زان درد کهن ** در شکایت که نگفتم یک سخن
- There was a fire in him: he did not know what it was, but on account of its heat he was weeping like a candle.
- آتشی بودش نمیدانست چیست ** لیک چون شمع از تف آن میگریست
- The beloved said, “Thou hast done all this, yet open thine ear wide and apprehend well;
- گفت معشوق این همه کردی ولیک ** گوش بگشا پهن و اندر یاب نیک
- For thou hast not done what is the root of the root of love and fealty: this that thou hast done is (only) the branches.”
- کانچ اصل اصل عشقست و ولاست ** آن نکردی اینچ کردی فرعهاست
- The lover said to her, “Tell me, what is that root?” She said, “The root thereof is to die and be naught.
- گفتش آن عاشق بگو که آن اصل چیست ** گفت اصلش مردنست ونیستیست
- Thou hast done all (else), (but) thou hast not died, thou art living. Hark, die, if thou art a self-sacrificing friend!” 1255
- تو همه کردی نمردی زندهای ** هین بمیر ار یار جانبازندهای