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  • When he had trembled and quivered beyond (all) bounds, Mustafá clasped him in his arms,
  • چون ز حد بیرون بلرزید و طپید  ** مصطفی‌اش در کنار خود کشید 
  • Quieted him and caressed him much and opened his (inward) eye and gave him (spiritual) knowledge.
  • ساکنش کرد و بسی بنواختش  ** دیده‌اش بگشاد و داد اشناختش 
  • Till the cloud weeps, how should the garden smile? Till the babe cries, how should the milk begin to flow?
  • تا نگرید ابر کی خندد چمن  ** تا نگرید طفل کی جوشد لبن 
  • The one-day-old babe knows the way: (its instinct says), “I will cry, that the kind nurse may come.” 135
  • طفل یک روزه همی‌داند طریق  ** که بگریم تا رسد دایه‌ی شفیق 
  • Do not you know that the Nurse of (all) nurses gives no milk gratis without (your) crying?
  • تو نمی‌دانی که دایه‌ی دایگان  ** کم دهد بی‌گریه شیر او رایگان 
  • He (God) hath said, “Let them weep much.” Give ear, that the bounty of the Creator may pour forth the milk.
  • گفت فلیبکوا کثیرا گوش دار  ** تا بریزد شیر فضل کردگار 
  • The cloud's weeping and the sun's burning are the pillar of this world: twist these two strands (together).
  • گریه‌ی ابرست و سوز آفتاب  ** استن دنیا همین دو رشته تاب 
  • If there were not the sun's heat and the cloud's tears, how would body (substance) and accident become big and thick?
  • گر نبودی سوز مهر و اشک ابر  ** کی شدی جسم و عرض زفت و سطبر 
  • How would these four seasons be flourishing unless this glow and weeping were the origin? 140
  • کی بدی معمور این هر چار فصل  ** گر نبودی این تف و این گریه اصل 
  • Since the burning (heat) of the sun and the weeping of the clouds in the world are keeping the world fresh and sweet,
  • سوز مهر و گریه‌ی ابر جهان  ** چون همی دارد جهان را خوش‌دهان