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  • No ailment was discerned in him, no one gave information concerning the secret (cause) thereof. 1340
  • هیچ علت اندرو ظاهر نشد  ** هیچ کس از سر او مخبر نشد 
  • (Then) she began to investigate in earnest: she became prepared to investigate at every moment.
  • در تفحص اندر افتاد او به جد  ** شد تفحص را دمادم مستعد 
  • The soul must needs be devoted to earnest endeavour, for the earnest seeker will be a finder.
  • جد را باید که جان بنده بود  ** زانک جد جوینده یابنده بود 
  • Postquam rem asini perscrutata est, ancillulam narcisso similem vidit sub asino cubantem. [When she investigated the ass’s condition, she saw the little narcissus (the maidservant) lying under the ass.]
  • چون تفحص کرد از حال اشک  ** دید خفته زیر خر آن نرگسک 
  • Through a crack in the door she saw what was going on: the old woman marvelled greatly thereat.
  • از شکاف در بدید آن حال را  ** بس عجب آمد از آن آن زال را 
  • (Vidit) asinum futuentem ancillam sicut viri ratione et more (concumbunt) cum feminis. [(She saw) the ass copulating with the maidservant in the manner that men reasonably and customarily (do) with women.] 1345
  • خر همی‌گاید کنیزک را چنان  ** که به عقل و رسم مردان با زنان 
  • She became envious and said, “Since this is possible, then I have the best right, for the ass is my property.
  • در حسد شد گفت چون این ممکنست  ** پس نم اولیتر که خر ملک منست 
  • The ass has been perfectly trained and instructed: the table is laid and the lamp is lighted.”
  • خر مهذب گشته و آموخته  ** خوان نهادست و چراغ افروخته 
  • Feigning to have seen nothing, she knocked at the door of the room (stable), saying, “How long will you be sweeping the room, O maid?”
  • کرد نادیده و در خانه بکوفت  ** کای کنیزک چند خواهی خانه روفت 
  • She spoke these words as a blind (and added), “I have come, O maid: open the door.”
  • از پی روپوش می‌گفت این سخن  ** کای کنیزک آمدم در باز کن