If there were not the sun's heat and the cloud's tears, how would body (substance) and accident become big and thick?
گر نبودی سوز مهر و اشک ابر ** کی شدی جسم و عرض زفت و سطبر
How would these four seasons be flourishing unless this glow and weeping were the origin?140
کی بدی معمور این هر چار فصل ** گر نبودی این تف و این گریه اصل
Since the burning (heat) of the sun and the weeping of the clouds in the world are keeping the world fresh and sweet,
سوز مهر و گریهی ابر جهان ** چون همی دارد جهان را خوشدهان
Keep the sun of your intelligence burning, keep your eye glistening with tears like the cloud!
آفتاب عقل را در سوز دار ** چشم را چون ابر اشکافروز دار
You must needs have a weeping eye, like the little child: do not eat the bread (of worldliness), for that bread takes away your water (spiritual excellence).
چشم گریان بایدت چون طفل خرد ** کم خور آن نان را که نان آب تو برد
When the body is in leaf (well-furnished), on that account by day and night the bough, (which is) the soul, is shedding its leaves and is in autumn.
تن چو با برگست روز و شب از آن ** شاخ جان در برگریزست و خزان
The leafage (flourishing state) of the body is the leaflessness (unprovidedness) of the soul. Be quick! You must let this (body) dwindle and that (soul) increase.145
برگ تن بیبرگی جانست زود ** این بباید کاستن آن را فزود
Lend unto God, give a loan of this leafage of the body, that in exchange a garden may grow in your heart.
اقرضوا الله قرض ده زین برگ تن ** تا بروید در عوض در دل چمن
Give a loan, diminish this food of your body, that there may appear the face (vision) of (that which) eye hath not seen.
قرض ده کم کن ازین لقمهی تنت ** تا نماید وجه لا عین رات
When the body empties itself of dung, He (God) fills it with musk and glorious pearls.
تن ز سرگین خویش چون خالی کند ** پر ز مشک و در اجلالی کند