- At the last you will be left without (all) these things: hark, unto whom will you call then?
- عاقبت زینها بخواهی ماندن ** هین کرا خواهی در آن دم خواندن
- Call unto Him now, and leave (all) the rest, that you may inherit the kingdom of the world.
- این دم او را خوان و باقی را بمان ** تا تو باشی وارث ملک جهان
- When comes (the Day on which) a man shall flee from his brother and on such a Day the son will flee from his father, 1500
- چون یفر المرء آید من اخیه ** یهرب المولود یوما من ابیه
- In that hour every friend will become your foe, because (in the world) he was your idol and one who hindered (you) from (following) the (right) Way.
- زان شود هر دوست آن ساعت عدو ** که بت تو بود و از ره مانع او
- You were averting your face from the Painter of the face, since you were gaining heart's delight from a (mere) picture.
- روی از نقاش رو میتافتی ** چون ز نقشی انس دل مییافتی
- If at this (present) time your friends become hostile to you and turn aside from you and quarrel (with you),
- این دم ار یارانت با تو ضد شوند ** وز تو برگردند و در خصمی روند
- Take heed and say, “Lo, my fortune is triumphant: that which would have happened to-morrow (at the Last Judgement) has happened to-day.
- هین بگو نک روز من پیروز شد ** آنچ فردا خواست شد امروز شد
- The people of this caravanseray (the world) have become my enemies, in order that the Resurrection might be made clearly visible to me beforehand, 1505
- ضد من گشتند اهل این سرا ** تا قیامت عین شد پیشین مرا
- Ere I should lose my time and associate with them to the end of my life.
- پیش از آنک روزگار خود برم ** عمر با ایشان به پایان آورم
- I had bought defective goods: thanks (to God) that I have become aware of their defectiveness in time,
- کالهی معیوب بخریده بدم ** شکر کز عیبش بگه واقف شدم