- In His cruelty there are secret kindnesses: to surrender the soul for His sake increases (the life of) the soul.
- لطفهای مضمر اندر قهر او ** جان سپردن جان فزاید بهر او
- Hark, dismiss suspicion and error: make thy head a foot (to hasten towards Him) since He hath bidden thee come.
- هین رها کن بدگمانی و ضلال ** سر قدم کن چونک فرمودت تعال
- His ‘Come’ will give (thee) exaltations; it will give (thee) intoxication and (spiritual) brides and couches. 1670
- آن تعال او تعالیها دهد ** مستی و جفت و نهالیها دهد
- In short, never, never can I weaken (the force of) that sublime command and complicate it (by prevarication).”
- باری آن امر سنی را هیچ هیچ ** من نیارم کرد وهن و پیچ پیچ
- The wretched Earth heard all this (counsel), (but) in her ear was a plug arising from that evil suspicion.
- این همه بشنید آن خاک نژند ** زان گمان بد بدش در گوش بند
- Once more in another fashion the lowly Earth made entreaty and prostrated herself, like a drunken man.
- باز از نوعی دگر آن خاک پست ** لابه و سجده همیکرد او چو مست
- He said, “Nay, arise! There is no loss (to thee) from this (thing), I lay my head and life as a pledge and guarantee.
- گفت نه برخیز نبود زین زیان ** من سر و جان مینهم رهن و ضمان
- Do not think of entreating (me), do not make further entreaty except to that merciful and justice-dealing King. 1675
- لابه مندیش و مکن لابه دگر ** جز بدان شاه رحیم دادگر
- I am a slave to (His) command, I dare not neglect His command which raised dust from the sea.
- بنده فرمانم نیارم ترک کرد ** امر او کز بحر انگیزید گرد
- Save from the Creator of ear and eye and head I will hear (accept) neither good nor evil—not even from my own soul.
- جز از آن خلاق گوش و چشم و سر ** نشنوم از جان خود هم خیر و شر