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  • Continually keep thy hope (fixed) on Heaven, dancing (quivering) like the willow in desire for Heaven.
  • Continually from Heaven (spiritual) water and fire will be coming to thee and increasing thy provision.
  • If it (thy aspiration) bear thee thither, ’tis no wonder: do not regard thy weakness, regard thy search (aspiration);
  • For this search is God's pledge (deposited) within thee, because every seeker deserves something sought (by him).
  • Strive that this search may increase, so that thy heart (spirit) may escape from this bodily dungeon. 1735
  • People will say, “Poor so-and-so is dead,” (but) thou wilt say, “I am living, O ye heedless ones!
  • Though my body, like (other) bodies, is laid to rest, the Eight Paradises have blossomed in my heart.”
  • When the spirit is lying at rest amidst roses and eglantines, what does it matter if the body is (buried) in that dung?
  • What should the spirit (thus) laid asleep know of the body, (or care) whether it (the body) is in a rose-garden or an ashpit?
  • (For) in the bright (celestial) world the spirit is crying, “Oh, would that my people knew!” 1740