(’Tis) a seat of truth, not a palace of falsehood; a choice wine, not an intoxication with buttermilk.
مقعد صدقی نه ایوان دروغ ** بادهی خاصی نه مستیی ز دوغ
(’Tis) the seat of truth, and (there) God is beside him: he is delivered from this water and earth of the fire-temple.1770
مقعد صدق و جلیسش حق شده ** رسته زین آب و گل آتشکده
And if you have not (yet) led the illuminative life, one or two moments (still) remain: die (to self) like a man!
ور نکردی زندگانی منیر ** یک دو دم ماندست مردانه بمیر
Concerning what may be hoped for from the mercy of God most High, who bestows His favours before they have been deserved— and He it is who sends down the rain after they have despaired. And many an estrangement produces intimacy (as its result), and there is many a blessed sin, and many a happiness that comes in a case where penalties are expected, in order that it may be known that God changes their evil deeds to good.
فیما یرجی من رحمة الله تعالی معطی النعم قبل استحقاقها و هو الذی ینزل الغیث من بعد ما قنطوا و رب بعد یورث قربا و رب معصیة میمونة و رب سعادة تاتی من حیث یرجی النقم لیعلم ان الله یبدل سیاتهم حسنات
In the Traditions (of the Prophet) it is related that on the Day of Resurrection every single body will be commanded to arise.
در حدیث آمد که روز رستخیز ** امر آید هر یکی تن را که خیز
The blast of the trumpet is the command from the Holy God, namely, “O children (of Adam), lift up your heads from the grave.”
نفخ صور امرست از یزدان پاک ** که بر آرید ای ذرایر سر ز خاک
(Then) every one's soul will return to its body, just as consciousness returns to the (awakened) body at dawn.
باز آید جان هر یک در بدن ** همچو وقت صبح هوش آید به تن
At daybreak the soul recognises its own body and re-enters its own ruin, like treasures (hidden in waste places).1775
جان تن خود را شناسد وقت روز ** در خراب خود در آید چون کنوز
It recognises its own body and goes into it: how should the soul of the goldsmith go to the tailor?
جسم خود بشناسد و در وی رود ** جان زرگر سوی درزی کی رود
The soul of the scholar runs to the scholar, the spirit of the tyrant runs to the tyrant;
جان عالم سوی عالم میدود ** روح ظالم سوی ظالم میدود
For the Divine Knowledge has made them (the souls) cognisant (of their bodies), as (happens with) the lamb and the ewe, at the hour of dawn.
که شناسا کردشان علم اله ** چونک بره و میش وقت صبحگاه