- Impelled by sagacity, Ayáz hung up his sheepskin jacket and rustic shoon.
- آن ایاز از زیرکی انگیخته ** پوستین و چارقش آویخته
- Every day he would go into the private chamber, (saying to himself), “These are thy shoon: do not regard thy (present) eminence.”
- میرود هر روز در حجرهی خلا ** چارقت اینست منگر درعلا
- They (his rivals) said to the King (Mahmúd), “He has a chamber, and in it there is gold and silver and a jar (of treasure).
- شاه را گفتند او را حجرهایست ** اندر آنجا زر و سیم و خمرهایست
- He admits no one into it: he always keeps the door locked.” 1860
- راه میندهد کسی را اندرو ** بسته میدارد همیشه آن در او
- The King said, “Oh, I wonder what in sooth that servant (of mine) has that is hidden and concealed from me.”
- شاه فرمود ای عجب آن بنده را ** چیست خود پنهان و پوشیده ز ما
- Then he gave orders to a certain Amír, saying, “Go at midnight and open (the door) and enter the room.
- پس اشارت کرد میری را که رو ** نیمشب بگشای و اندر حجره شو
- Whatever you find is yours: plunder him, expose his secret to the courtiers.
- هر چه یابی مر ترا یغماش کن ** سر او را بر ندیمان فاش کن
- Notwithstanding such innumerable kindnesses and favours (as I have bestowed upon him), does he meanly hide silver and gold (from me)?
- با چنین اکرام و لطف بیعدد ** از لیمی سیم و زر پنهان کند
- He professes loyalty and love and enthusiasm—and then (after all) he is one who shows wheat and sells barley! 1865
- مینماید او وفا و عشق و جوش ** وانگه او گندمنمای جوفروش
- To any one who finds life in love, aught but (devoted) service would seem infidelity.”
- هر که اندر عشق یابد زندگی ** کفر باشد پیش او جز بندگی