- If the dog had not a vein of love, how should the dog of the Cave have sought (to win) the heart (of the Seven Sleepers)?
- گر رگ عشقی نبودی کلب را ** کی بجستی کلب کهفی قلب را
- Moreover, in the world there is (many a one) of its kind, dog-like in appearance, though it is not celebrated (like the dog of the Cave). 2010
- هم ز جنس او به صورت چون سگان ** گر نشد مشهور هست اندر جهان
- You have not smelt (discerned) the heart in your own kind: how should you smell the heart in wolf and sheep?
- بو نبردی تو دل اندر جنس خویش ** کی بری تو بوی دل از گرگ و میش
- If there had not been Love, how should there have been existence? How should bread have attached itself to you and become (assimilated to) you?
- گر نبودی عشق هستی کی بدی ** کی زدی نان بر تو و کی تو شدی
- The bread became you: through what? Through (your) love and appetite; otherwise, how should the bread have had any access to the (vital) spirit?
- نان تو شد از چه ز عشق و اشتها ** ورنه نان را کی بدی تا جان رهی
- Love makes the dead bread into spirit: it makes the spirit that was perishable everlasting.
- عشق نان مرده را می جان کند ** جان که فانی بود جاویدان کند
- Majnún said, “I do not fear the lancet: my endurance is greater than the mountain formed of rock. 2015
- گفت مجنون من نمیترسم ز نیش ** صبر من از کوه سنگین هست بیش
- I am a vagabond: my body is not at ease without blows; I am a lover: I am always in close touch with blows.
- منبلم بیزخم ناساید تنم ** عاشقم بر زخمها بر میتنم
- But my (whole) being is full of Laylá: this shell is filled with the qualities of that Pearl.
- لیک از لیلی وجود من پرست ** این صدف پر از صفات آن درست
- I am afraid, O cupper, lest if you let my blood you suddenly inflict a wound with your lancet upon Laylá.
- ترسم ای فصاد گر فصدم کنی ** نیش را ناگاه بر لیلی زنی