- When his wind (idle self-conceit) is broken by imprisonment in the trap,the rebuking soul gets the upper hand over him.
- چون ز بند دام باد او شکست ** نفس لوامه برو یابید دست
- Until his head comes against the wall of affliction, his deaf ear will not listen to the counsel of his heart.
- تا به دیوار بلا ناید سرش ** نشنود پند دل آن گوش کرش
- Greed for walnut-cake and sugar makes the ears of children deaf to admonitions;
- کودکان را حرص گوزینه و شکر ** از نصیحتها کند دو گوش کر
- (Only) when the pain of his abscess begins do his (the child's) ears become open to good advice. 2065
- چونک دردت دنبلش آغاز شد ** در نصیحت هر دو گوشش باز شد
- Then the party (of searchers), with cupidity and a hundred kinds of vain desire, opened the chamber.
- حجره را با حرص و صدگونه هوس ** باز کردند آن زمان آن چند کس
- They swarmed in through the doorway, jostling each other, like vermin (falling) on fetid buttermilk.
- اندر افتادند از در ز ازدحام ** همچو اندر دوغ گندیده هوام
- They (the insects) fall on it triumphantly, like lovers, (but) there is no possibility of drinking, and both wings are stuck.
- عاشقانه در فتد با کر و فر ** خورد امکان نی و بسته هر دو پر
- They (the officers) looked to the left and to the right: there was (only) a torn pair of shoon and a sheepskin jacket.
- بنگریدند از یسار و از یمین ** چارقی بدریده بود و پوستین
- After (having looked), they said (to one another), “This place is not without balm: the shoon are only (displayed) here as a blind. 2070
- باز گفتند این مکان بینوش نیست ** چارق اینجا جز پی روپوش نیست
- Hey, bring sharp picks: try excavation and tunnelling.”
- هین بیاور سیخهای تیز را ** امتحان کن حفره و کاریز را