Then they began to search incontinently with all their might in the mouths and ears (of the bathers) and in every cleft.2250
پس به جد جستن گرفتند از گزاف ** در دهان و گوش و اندر هر شکاف
In rima inferiore et superiore and everywhere they searched for the pearl belonging to a beauteous oyster-shell. [In lower and upper (bodily) apertures and everywhere they searched for the pearl belonging to a beauteous oyster-shell.]
در شکاف تحت و فوق و هر طرف ** جست و جو کردند دری خوش صدف
Proclamation was made: “Strip, all (of you), whoever ye are, whether ye are old or young!”
بانگ آمد که همه عریان شوید ** هر که هستید ار عجوز و گر نوید
The lady-in-waiting began to search them, one by one, (in the hope) that the marvellous pearl might be discovered.
یک به یک را حاجبه جستن گرفت ** تا پدید آید گهردانهی شگفت
Nasúh, (stricken) with fear, went into a private place: his face (was) yellow (pale) and his lips blue on account of a (great) terror (which possessed him).
آن نصوح از ترس شد در خلوتی ** روی زرد و لب کبود از خشیتی
He saw death before his eyes: he went (to hide himself), trembling like a leaf.2255
پیش چشم خویش او میدید مرگ ** رفت و میلرزید او مانند برگ
He cried, “O Lord, many a time have I turned away (from evil courses) and (then) broken my vows of penitence and my promises.
گفت یارب بارها برگشتهام ** توبهها و عهدها بشکستهام
I have done the (foul) things that were fit to be done by me, so that such a black flood (of calamity) has arrived.
کردهام آنها که از من میسزید ** تا چنین سیل سیاهی در رسید
If my turn to be searched shall come, oh, what cruel sufferings must my soul endure!
نوبت جستن اگر در من رسد ** وه که جان من چه سختیها کشد
A hundred sparks of fire have fallen on my heart: perceive in my orisons the smell of my (burning) heart.
در جگر افتادهاستم صد شرر ** در مناجاتم ببین بوی جگر