Nasúh who had gone (out of himself) came to himself again: his eye saw in front (of him) the splendour of a hundred (shining) days.
آن نصوح رفته باز آمد به خویش ** دید چشمش تابش صد روز بیش
Every one was begging him to exonerate them and giving his hand many a kiss.
می حلالی خواست از وی هر کسی ** بوسه میدادند بر دستش بسی
(They said), “We had evil thoughts (of thee), and (we pray thee to) exonerate us. We were backbiting thee in our talk”;
بد گمان بردیم و کن ما را حلال ** گوشت تو خوردیم اندر قیل و قال
For the suspicion of all (the women) against him had been increased by the fact that he was in higher favour (with the princess) than all (the rest of them).
زانک ظن جمله بر وی بیش بود ** زانک در قربت ز جمله پیش بود
Nasúh was her private shampooer and confidant; nay (they were) as two bodies with one soul.2295
خاص دلاکش بد و محرم نصوح ** بلک همچون دو تنی یک گشته روح
(Hence the women had said), “If (any one) has taken the pearl, only he can have taken it: none is more closely attached to the Lady than he.
گوهر ار بردست او بردست و بس ** زو ملازمتر به خاتون نیست کس
At first she wished to search him forcibly, (but) from respect for his reputation she delayed,
اول او را خواست جستن در نبرد ** بهر حرمت داشتش تاخیر کرد
In the hope that he might drop it (the pearl) somewhere and (thus) save himself during the respite.”
تا بود کان را بیندازد به جا ** اندرین مهلت رهاند خویش را
They were begging him to grant these absolutions and were rising up to excuse themselves.
این حلالیها ازو میخواستند ** وز برای عذر برمیخاستند
He replied, “’Twas the grace of God, who deals justice; else I am worse than what has been said (of me).2300
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