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  • Lend some assistance in repairing his (bodily) ship, if you have become his favourite slave and devoted servant.
  • یاریی ده در مرمه‌ی کشتی‌اش  ** گر غلام خاص و بنده گشتی‌اش 
  • Your assistance is (really) advantageous to you, not to him: God hath said, “If ye help God, ye will be helped.”
  • یاریت در تو فزاید نه اندرو  ** گفت حق ان تنصروا الله تنصروا 
  • Hunt like the fox and sacrifice your prey to him (the Qutb), that you may gain in return a thousand preys and more.
  • هم‌چو روبه صید گیر و کن فداش  ** تا عوض گیری هزاران صید بیش 
  • The prey caught by the (obedient) disciple is (presented alive) after the manner of the fox, (but) the froward hyena catches prey (that is already) dead.
  • روبهانه باشد آن صید مرید  ** مرده گیرد صید کفتار مرید 
  • If you present the dead (prey) to him (the Qutb), it will become living: filth (when placed) in the orchard will produce (fruit). 2350
  • مرده پیش او کشی زنده شود  ** چرک در پالیز روینده شود 
  • The fox said to the lion, “I will serve thee (obediently): I will contrive expedients and rob him (the ass) of his wits.
  • گفت روبه شیر را خدمت کنم  ** حیله‌ها سازم ز عقلش بر کنم 
  • Cunning and enchantment is my business: it is my business to beguile and lead astray.”
  • حیله و افسونگری کار منست  ** کار من دستان و از ره بردنست 
  • Hastening from the mountain-top towards the river, he found that miserable emaciated ass.
  • از سر که جانب جو می‌شتافت  ** آن خر مسکین لاغر را بیافت 
  • Then he saluted him cordially and advanced: he advanced to meet that poor simpleton,
  • پس سلام گرم کرد و پیش رفت  ** پیش آن ساده دل درویش رفت 
  • And said (to him), “How are you in this arid desert (where you live) amidst stones and on sterile ground?” 2355
  • گفت چونی اندرین صحرای خشک  ** در میان سنگ لاخ و جای خشک