All except God are enemies: He (alone) is the Friend: how is it good (seemly) to complain of a friend to an enemy?
غیر حق جمله عدواند اوست دوست ** با عدو از دوست شکوت کی نکوست
So long as He gives me buttermilk I will not desire honey, for every pleasure has a pain joined with it.”2360
تا دهد دوغم نخواهم انگبین ** زانک هر نعمت غمی دارد قرین
Story of an ass belonging to a seller of firewood, which saw some well-fed Arab horses in the royal stable and wished for the same fortune. (This story is intended) to convey the lesson that one ought not to wish for anything but (God's) forgiveness and favour; for though you are in a hundred kinds of pain, they all become sweet (to you) when you feel the delight of being forgiven; and for the rest, every fortune that you wish for before you have experienced it is accompanied by a pain which you do not perceive (at the moment); as (for example) in every trap the bait is visible while the snare is concealed. You (who) have been caught in this one trap are (still) wishing (and saying to yourself), “Would that I had gone after those (other) baits!” You fancy that those baits are without a trap.
حکایت دیدن خر هیزمفروش با نوایی اسپان تازی را بر آخر خاص و تمنا بردن آن دولت را در موعظهی آنک تمنا نباید بردن الا مغفرت و عنایت و هدایت کی اگر در صد لون رنجی چون لذت مغفرت بود همه شیرین شود باقی هر دولتی کی آن را ناآزموده تمنی میبری با آن رنجی قرینست کی آن را نمیبینی چنانک از هر دامی دانه پیدا بود و فخ پنهان تو درین یک دام ماندهای تمنی میبری کی کاشکی با آن دانهها رفتمی پنداری کی آن دانهها بیدامست
There was a water-carrier who owned an ass that had been bent double like a
بود سقایی مرورا یک خری ** گشته از محنت دو تا چون چنبری