- Their dispute was prolonged in mutual altercation (till) they became incapable of (further) questioning and answering.
- بحثشان بسیار شد اندر خطاب ** مانده گشتند از سال و از جواب
- Afterwards he (the fox) said to him, “Mark in the (Divine) kingdom the prohibition, ‘Do not cast yourselves into destruction.’
- بعد از آن گفتش بدان در مملکه ** نهی لا تلقوا بایدی تهلکه
- In a barren desert covered with stones self-denial is folly: God's world is wide.
- صبر در صحرای خشک و سنگلاخ ** احمقی باشد جهان حق فراخ
- Move from this place towards the meadow, and browse there on the verdure round about the river— 2430
- نقل کن زینجا به سوی مرغزار ** میچر آنجا سبزه گرد جویبار
- A meadow verdant like Paradise, where the verdure grows up to (as high as) the waist.
- مرغزاری سبز مانند جنان ** سبزه رسته اندر آنجا تا میان
- Happy the animal that goes thither: amidst the verdure a camel would become invisible.
- خرم آن حیوان که او آنجا شود ** اشتر اندر سبزه ناپیدا شود
- There, on every side, is a running fountain; there the animals are in comfort and security.”
- هر طرف در وی یکی چشمهی روان ** اندرو حیوان مرفه در امان
- From asininity he (the ass) did not say to him, “O accursed one, thou art (come) from there: how art thou so wretched?
- از خری او را نمیگفت ای لعین ** تو از آنجایی چرا زاری چنین
- Where is thy gaiety and fatness and comeliness? What is (the meaning of) this lean starved body of thine? 2435
- کو نشاط و فربهی و فر تو ** چیست این لاغر تن مضطر تو
- If thy description of the meadow is not (mere) falsehood and fiction, then why is thine eye not intoxicated (enraptured) by it?
- شرح روضه گر دروغ و زور نیست ** پس چرا چشمت ازو مخمور نیست