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  • (The fact of) his being a witness (to God) is independent of witnesses and works of supererogation and of self-devotion and self-sacrifice.
  • Since the light of that (spiritual) substance has shone forth, he has gained independence of these hypocrisies.
  • Therefore do not demand of him the testimony of act and speech, for through him both the worlds have blossomed like a rose. 245
  • What is this testimony? The making manifest of that which is hidden, whether (by) word or act or something else;
  • For its object is to make manifest the inward nature of the spiritual substance: the attributes (of that substance) are permanent, though these accidents (such as acts and words) are fleeting.
  • The mark of the gold on the touchstone does not remain, (but) the gold (itself) remains—of good renown and undoubted.
  • Similarly, (all) this ritual prayer and holy war and fasting does not remain, but the spirit remains in good renown (for ever).
  • The spirit produced certain acts and words of this kind (as proofs): it rubbed its substance on the touchstone of the (Divine) command, 250
  • As though to say, “My belief is perfect: here is the witness!” (Yes), but there is doubt as regards the witnesses.
  • Know that the probity of the witnesses must be established: the means of establishing it is a (great) sincerity: thou art dependent on that.