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  • Although the ass spoke of (spiritual) mysteries to the fox, he spoke superficially and like an imitator. 2455
  • He praised the water, but he had no longing (for it); he tore his face and raiment, but he was no lover.
  • The excuse made by the hypocrite was bad, not good, because it was (only) on their lips, not in their hearts.
  • He (the hypocrite) has the smell of the apple, but no part of the apple (itself); and in him (even) the smell is only for the purpose of (coming into) contact (with the true believers).
  • The charge of a woman in battle does not break the (hostile) ranks; nay, her plight becomes pitiable.
  • Though you see her take the sword (and fight) like a lion amidst the ranks, (yet) her hand trembles. 2460
  • Alas for him whose reason is female, while his wicked fleshly soul is male and ready (to gratify its lust)!
  • Of necessity, his reason is vanquished: his movement is towards naught but perdition.
  • Oh, blest is that one whose reason is male, while his wicked fleshly soul is female and helpless;
  • Whose particular (individual) reason is male and dominant, (so that) his intellect deprives the female fleshly soul (of power to do mischief).