Though you may remember a (life-giving) incantation derived from the Messiah, where (in you) are the lips and teeth of Jesus, O abominable man?
گر فسونی یاد داری از مسیح ** کو لب و دندان عیسی ای قبیح
You may build a ship with money collected (from your friends) or freely given, (but) where is a captain of the ship like Noah?
کشتیی سازی ز توزیع و فتوح ** کو یکی ملاح کشتی همچو نوح
I grant you have (formally) broken the idol, like Abraham, (but) what of devoting the idol, (which is) your body, to the fire (of self-mortification)?2505
بت شکستی گیرم ابراهیموار ** کو بت تن را فدی کردن بنار
If you have the proof (that you are a true saint), put it into practice: by means of that (practice) make your wooden sword (sharp) as Dhu ’l-faqár.
گر دلیلت هست اندر فعل آر ** تیغ چوبین را بدان کن ذوالفقار
The proof that hinders you from the practice (of saintly works) is (the cause of your incurring) the vengeance of the (Divine) Maker.
آن دلیلی که ترا مانع شود ** از عمل آن نقمت صانع بود
You have emboldened those who are afraid of (travelling on) the Way, (but) underneath (inwardly) you are more tremulous (infirm) than all (the rest).
خایفان راه را کردی دلیر ** از همه لرزانتری تو زیر زیر
You lecture to them all on trust in God, (while) you are slitting the vein of the gnat in the air.
بر همه درس توکل میکنی ** در هوا تو پشه را رگ میزنی
O pathice, qui exercitum praecessisti, barbae tuae mendaciam penis tuus testatur. [O impotent sodomite, (making a false show of) going ahead of the army, your penis (is) witness to the falsehood of your beard (your false claim of manhood).]2510
ای مخنث پیش رفته از سپاه ** بر دروغ ریش تو کیرت گواه
When the heart is filled with unmanliness, the beard and moustache are a cause of laughter.
چون ز نامردی دل آکنده بود ** ریش و سبلت موجب خنده بود
Make a (vow of) repentance, shed tears like rain, redeem your beard and moustache from laughter.
توبهای کن اشک باران چون مطر ** ریش و سبلت را ز خنده باز خر