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  • The nine years old vinegar is becoming sweet; the stone and marble are becoming ruby(-like) and golden.
  • سرکه‌ی نه ساله شیرین می‌شود  ** سنگ و مرمر لعل و زرین می‌شود 
  • The sun in heaven is clapping his hands: the motes are dancing like lovers.
  • آفتاب اندر فلک دستک‌زنان  ** ذره‌ها چون عاشقان بازی‌کنان 
  • (All) eyes are intoxicated with the orchard abounding in greenery, (where) the blossoms are budding on the boughs. 2535
  • چشمها مخمور شد از سبزه‌زار  ** گل شکوفه می‌کند بر شاخسار 
  • The eye of blessedness works absolute magic: the spirit is made victorious (mansúr), crying “I am God.”
  • چشم دولت سحر مطلق می‌کند  ** روح شد منصور انا الحق می‌زند 
  • If the fox is seducing an ass, let him seduce (him)! Do not thou be an ass, and be not troubled.
  • گر خری را می‌برد روبه ز سر  ** گو ببر تو خر مباش و غم مخور 
  • Story of the person who rushed into a house in terror, with cheeks yellow (pale) as saffron, lips blue as indigo, and hands trembling like the leaves of a tree. The master of the house asked, “Is all well (with you)? What is the matter?” He replied, “Outside they are taking asses by force.” “Bless you!” cried the other; “they are taking asses, (but) you are not an ass: what are you afraid of?” He said, “They are taking (them) in a great hurry: (all) discrimination has ceased. To-day I am afraid they will take me for an ass.”
  • حکایت آن شخص کی از ترس خویشتن را در خانه‌ای انداخت رخها زرد چون زعفران لبها کبود چون نیل دست لرزان چون برگ درخت خداوند خانه پرسید کی خیرست چه واقعه است گفت بیرون خر می‌گیرند به سخره گفت مبارک خر می‌گیرند تو خر نیستی چه می‌ترسی گفت خر به جد می‌گیرند تمییز برخاسته است امروز ترسم کی مرا خر گیرند 
  • A certain man took refuge in a house: his face was yellow, his lips blue, and his colour had ebbed away.
  • آن یکی در خانه‌ای در می‌گریخت  ** زرد رو و لب کبود و رنگ ریخت 
  • The master of the house said to him, “Is it well (with you)? for your hand is trembling like (that of) an old man.
  • صاحب خانه بگفتش خیر هست  ** که همی لرزد ترا چون پیر دست 
  • What has happened? Why have you taken refuge (here)? How have you lost the colour of your face so (entirely)?” 2540
  • واقعه چونست چون بگریختی  ** رنگ رخساره چنین چون ریختی 
  • “To-day,” said he, “they are seizing asses outside (in the streets) to do forced labour for the tyrannical king.”
  • گفت بهر سخره‌ی شاه حرون  ** خر همی‌گیرند امروز از برون 
  • He (the householder) replied, “O beloved of your uncle, they are taking it because it is an ass: since you are not an ass, go (your way): why are you troubled at this?”
  • گفت می‌گیرند کو خر جان عم  ** چون نه‌ای خر رو ترا زین چیست غم