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  • “By God,” said he, “I am thy guest unto everlasting. Wheresoever I be, to whatsoever place I go,
  • گفت والله تا ابد ضیف توم  ** هر کجا باشم بهر جا که روم 
  • I am made living by thee and liberated by thee, and am thy doorkeeper (eating) at thy table in this world and in the next. 265
  • زنده کرده و معتق و دربان تو  ** این جهان و آن جهان بر خوان تو 
  • Whosoever chooses any but this choice table, in the end his gullet will be torn by the bone (of perdition).
  • هر که بگزیند جزین بگزیده خوان  ** عاقبت درد گلویش ز استخوان 
  • Whosoever goes to the table of any but thee, know that the Devil shares his cup.
  • هر که سوی خوان غیر تو رود  ** دیو با او دان که هم‌کاسه بود 
  • Whosoever departs from thy neighbourhood, without any doubt the Devil will become his neighbour;
  • هر که از همسایگی تو رود  ** دیو بی‌شکی که همسایه‌ش شود 
  • And if without thee he go on a far journey, the wicked Devil is his fellow-traveller and table-companion;
  • ور رود بی‌تو سفر او دوردست  ** دیو بد همراه و هم‌سفره‌ی ویست 
  • And if he mount a noble horse, (since) he is envious of the Moon, the Devil sits behind him; 270
  • ور نشیند بر سر اسپ شریف  ** حاسد ماهست دیو او را ردیف 
  • And if his Shahnáz be got with child by him, the Devil is his partner in begetting it.”
  • ور بچه گیرد ازو شهناز او  ** دیو در نسلش بود انباز او 
  • O thou that glowest (with faith), God hath said in the Qur’án, “Share with them in their wealth and children.”
  • در نبی شارکهم گفتست حق  ** هم در اموال و در اولاد ای شفق 
  • The Prophet, (who drew inspiration) from the Unseen, explained this (matter) clearly in his marvellous discourses with ‘Alí.
  • گفت پیغامبر ز غیب این را جلی  ** در مقالات نوادر با علی